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Natural Lawn & Plant Care

A healthy lawn and garden should help, not hurt, the environment


We have a passion for the natural ecosystems that make Cape Cod unique. This is why we are committed to being good environmental stewards through the work we do.


Earth friendly, sustainable lawn and plant care solutions contribute to the natural beauty of your home and the well-being of your family while respecting the land, water, and wildlife. Our environmentally-responsible lawn and garden services include:


  • Natural fertilization programs

  • Natural insect and disease management

  • Natural weed suppression techniques

  • Landowner instruction and education


Unique environmental factors on Cape Cod affect how your lawn, plants, and trees thrive. We understand these factors along with the biology and physiology of plants and the chemistry of the soil in which they grow. With healthy soil rich in organic matter and nutrients, pH levels balanced for your location, and the right mix of plants, your lawn and garden can can thrive in the face of use and environmental stresses.


Instead of harmful pest-reducing chemicals that can also pose risks to your children and four-legged family members, we can develop and implement a natural pest management plan that encourages a healthy balance of soil life and discourages landscape pests.


Our team of horticulture experts can also discuss with you how your property’s ecosystem interdependently works to sustain vibrant, healthful plants. We can help you understand:


  • Effective water methods

  • Proper mowing practices

  • Why certain insects are critical to the health of your garden

  • The types of plants well-suited for your soil type and sunlight conditions

  • The benefits of “messy” landscape over structured planting practices


Contact us today so we can develop a natural lawn care program that enhances the beauty of your home and is kind to the environment.

Why natural lawn & garden care is better


  1. Safer for children and pets

  2. Reduces toxic runoff that pollutes our fragile waterways

  3. Better for the long-term health of your grass, plants, and trees

  4. Reduces chemical poisoning that kills 60 million+ birds annually in the US

  5. Protects wildlife from toxic lawn chemical poisoning

  6. Allows the environment to stay naturally in balance

  7. Healthy lawns and gardens reduce noise pollution

  8. Thriving plants act as air filters, cleaning the air we breath

All content @2019 Cape Organics, Inc.

Cape Organics

PO Box 684, West Harwich, MA 02671

Tel: 508-430-0267

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